Today is a bad day! Suppose to meet Dear go TM with Anna de. In the end, for some reason, he decided to meet TK to Compass. Hais. Headed to TM than to Bugis with Anna. Than went back to Compass. Saw Dear for awhile but didnt talk. Than he went off to play ball w/ TK& Andrea. Accompanied Anna wait for Fang than wait for her aunty to fetch her for some family event. Than off to find Ling. Talk to her alot. It has been long seens I talk to her sooo much. I miss the times. Thanks for hearing my complains. Loveyou sooo much. Ill-treated her Piglet at her house& her dog is so Hyper-Active! Keep nimbling my toes& fingers. Hahs. Hmms, ask Ling to call Dear here but he took a long time. So saw him awhile than went off. Hais. I really dont like the feeling. I just wna be happy with him but... Hais. Its part& parcel of life I guess. Hope everything will be back to normal by tmr.
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