Was rather down this past few days. I dont know why. But whenever I'm at home, I feel like I'm isolated in a world. I feel down. Blah Blah Blah. Dear seems to be rather busy entertaining his friends this few nights leaving me all alone. But cant blame him though, I didnt tell him how I felt. Whatever!
Ling ahs! I need you sia. I need to talk to someone but cant speak out. Hais.... I still cant get over the thing you know. So irritating. When you are free, than I'll let you know. Just a summary of it. She keep msging him. Bloody idiot. She got bf somemore lo. Shall not continue if not I'll just type everything out. HAHA! Miss my peeps. Loves.....
Joanna Chew! I'm not that bad kays? You are the one who always bully me. Shityou. Bleahs! Anw, you are still my good friend so.... I'll forgive you. HAHA! Just kidding. I'm not even angry. Ok, I'm lame.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
O'level is coming& I'm going crazy! Args! Currently, my only confident subject is Math. I guess its because my math tcher is good& I love math? Whatever. I will work hard for other subjects of course. OK, I'm off to do my work. BYE!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Ok. I'm v.sick now! Awwww! The whole of ytd, I was spending my time on bed& in toilet. Whatever I eat or drink, I'll just vomit out. Ewww! I hate the feeling. Didnt slp the whole night my stomach keep giving me sharp pains! F! & was busy running in& out of the toilet. Shit man! I think I'm thinking too much this few days thats why I become like this. Hais. 4more days to court.... I just hope everything will be fine foryou. Although you hurt me at times, but I knowyou do care abt me. Darling, I'll loveyou forever......
Friday, September 19, 2008
I'm back to my emo self again. Fcuk! Dont have to ask me to cheerup cause I know it wont help. I hate myself!
TKL is the best la! She always there for me when I need someone to talk to. I Love Her so much ok! Always listen to all my complains w/o any complains. LOL! Sounds so funny. Felt lighter after talking to her. Seriously, she helps me alot. &you know what!!? Her thinking& Dear's thinking is equaly the same. Lucky their attitude not the same. Opps! =X Anw, I wna thank her.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Why must this happen to me? Did I do anything wrong to deserve all this treatments? Hais. Why must God do this to me? I just wna lead a happy life with him. Why? Why? Why? If I really do anything wrong, punish me! Why mustyou punish Darling? Hais. Please Lord! Dont do this to him!!
Deardear: Must rmb that no matter what happen, I'll always be withyou. If things really aint what we expect, I'll what. 1yr, 2yr, 3yr, 5yr... No matter what I will always stay withyou. My feelings foryou wont change now nor later. I swear!
Deardear: Must rmb that no matter what happen, I'll always be withyou. If things really aint what we expect, I'll what. 1yr, 2yr, 3yr, 5yr... No matter what I will always stay withyou. My feelings foryou wont change now nor later. I swear!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Went mahjong-ing session today. Ling was super lucky I swear! She keep diao diao diao& not 1 2 tai but 3 4 5!!! Omg! I cant believe how lucky she can get. She won like 30bucks? Hahahs.Anw, I did won a lil lars. So no point complaining. =X
Well, I just dont know what exactly areyou thinking. Canyou tell me? Hais. We already dont have much time with each other& yet you are still always with your friends. I dont know what had happen to us. We use to be so close, so sweet. But now, I really dont know. I'm really v.stress!(Dont ask me abt what, I dont wish to say. Only we know.) I hate it! F!!!! How I wish I can cry on your shoulder. Although I always dont care abt everything but deep down my heart, I need someone to care for me....
Well, I just dont know what exactly areyou thinking. Canyou tell me? Hais. We already dont have much time with each other& yet you are still always with your friends. I dont know what had happen to us. We use to be so close, so sweet. But now, I really dont know. I'm really v.stress!(Dont ask me abt what, I dont wish to say. Only we know.) I hate it! F!!!! How I wish I can cry on your shoulder. Although I always dont care abt everything but deep down my heart, I need someone to care for me....
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Nth much today. Both Science paper was rather hard. Hahahas. End the paper& off to meet Dear. My legs are aching. Walked ard hougang today. Args! Its been long seens I last walk for such a long distance. We will either bus-ed or cab-ed. But today WALKING DAY! Shit man. Hahahs. Nth much to post so yups, I shall end here. Loves darlingxzxzxzxz...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
(finally you're 16)
My 2 bitches. Love them soooo much.
(why didnt I take photo with LJB?)
Mine Birthday present!! Winnie the Pooh by Adrian& Girlfriend& Tigger by DARLING!
Woah!!! Finally EVEONG is 16!!! She dont have to 'forget to bring I.C' when going for pool. Hahahs! Although today is mine birthday, but its just like a normal day to me. Sch& home to slp. The Bitch say wna meet me but in the... demoralized by NO MONEY! Lols. Nvm, at least she got the heart. Hahahs. I'm so unlucky. My birthday is in almost the end of the year& that means that everyone will be busy with their EXAMS& no one will acc me. =( But nvm, my beloved peeps acc me& gave me an early celebration last week. Loveyou guys!
Thanks to those who msg me(names goes by time received): Serene, Adrian(sis friend), Joanna, Kailin, Elsie, Chunfeng, Baby, Teekuen, Jianbin, Rowena, Kim, AyeChan, ShenShen(2nd aunt), Joy, Regina, Vincent, Ms Mani, Anna, Adrian(Baby's friend), Kelvin(Baby's tudi), Suzanna,Eugena, Stefan& lastly Leroy. Jingwen did wish me on her blog.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Baby, you're my love
Saw a msg in Dear's phone. He type it& prepare to let me see it. Dear, I'm really sorry for not really trusting you that much& asking so much changes fromyou. I know I shld'nt have do that. Really v.sorry. I dont know why I always feels 'sour' whenyou are msging other girls esp.( the small one). I just wna be honest w/ you thats why I tell you that. Now, I'm trying v.hard to control my emotions. Even if I'm really feeling jealous or what, I'll try to accept it. I know I can do it. Butyou must also try to understand that I cant always hide my feelings in my heart. I'll explode like a volcano someday. Although I hope I wont. Ok. Anw, lets just forget abt the past& look forward. We still have a long way to go. =) Like what Regina told me that day, we shldnt be looking back to the past, we shld always look forward.( Something liddat) & I'm looking forward to the day we get married. Hahahs! I hope& believe we will. Baby, I truely loveyou!!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Surprise Surprise& more Surprises!!!
Thanks peeps for letting me enjoy my day to the fullest. I really love you guys alot.
Baby, Regina, Jingwen, Kailin, Jianbin, Chunfeng, Adrian& Serene.
I'm full of surprises today. Yups, so happy. Lets start with us meeting than pool. After pooling, they went down to smoke w/o me, Wen& Ling. But Ling went down while we were paying. Nvm.. After smoking, while walking to Kovan to have our Sakae Sushi, Baby surprised me by acting like a thief& snatch my bag from the back! Happy to see him of course. Hahahs. Adrian& Serene gave me a present. I'm like a kid, sooo happy to receive present. *smiles* Ate at Sakae Sushi. After eating, when we was abt to bill, the waiter surprise me with a cake bought by Regina& Ling. Thanks girls. =)) Cut cake& everything. As usual, went to Macdonald's to slack. Its been a long time seens I talk to Chunfeng, so we decided to walk to a place to sit& talk. Talk abt lots of stuffs, ut not to reveal as it is our secret. Hahahs. Went back to sit& talk. & again, ANOTHER surprise!!! Baby suddenly hug me& put on a necklaces for me. Although its a simple necklace, but I really love it alot!! & baby also made me a tissue flower. Hahahs. So sweet right? I know that. Hees.
Ok! Once again, Thanks peeps for celebrating my birthday with me although its a v.simple one. But really thanks alot. I havent been celebrating my bdae for a v.long time alrdy. 100& 1000 of thanks. Lastly, there's a sad thing! Joanna didnt come! So sad. I hope she will keep her promise& meet me up on my bdae. Its been a long time seens I meet her& go out. Sad! =)
Thanks peeps for letting me enjoy my day to the fullest. I really love you guys alot.
Baby, Regina, Jingwen, Kailin, Jianbin, Chunfeng, Adrian& Serene.
I'm full of surprises today. Yups, so happy. Lets start with us meeting than pool. After pooling, they went down to smoke w/o me, Wen& Ling. But Ling went down while we were paying. Nvm.. After smoking, while walking to Kovan to have our Sakae Sushi, Baby surprised me by acting like a thief& snatch my bag from the back! Happy to see him of course. Hahahs. Adrian& Serene gave me a present. I'm like a kid, sooo happy to receive present. *smiles* Ate at Sakae Sushi. After eating, when we was abt to bill, the waiter surprise me with a cake bought by Regina& Ling. Thanks girls. =)) Cut cake& everything. As usual, went to Macdonald's to slack. Its been a long time seens I talk to Chunfeng, so we decided to walk to a place to sit& talk. Talk abt lots of stuffs, ut not to reveal as it is our secret. Hahahs. Went back to sit& talk. & again, ANOTHER surprise!!! Baby suddenly hug me& put on a necklaces for me. Although its a simple necklace, but I really love it alot!! & baby also made me a tissue flower. Hahahs. So sweet right? I know that. Hees.
Ok! Once again, Thanks peeps for celebrating my birthday with me although its a v.simple one. But really thanks alot. I havent been celebrating my bdae for a v.long time alrdy. 100& 1000 of thanks. Lastly, there's a sad thing! Joanna didnt come! So sad. I hope she will keep her promise& meet me up on my bdae. Its been a long time seens I meet her& go out. Sad! =)
*pictures will be uploaded when all of them are sent to me.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Omg!!! See this bouquet of flowers!!??? I'm so jealous can!? Actually, I'm not jealous in the first place BUT now!!! After see-ing the flowers, I'm soooooooooo jealous. How I wish Dear could get me a bouquet too. Maybe 1 is enough? Hahahas. Is so damn beautiful la!!! I just cant get my eyes off this la! Args! I'M SO JEALOUS CAN!!!??? Idiot XU JING JING, why mustyou tell me that you receive a bouquet of flower& blog the picture out! Humps! 1 phrase to describe my feelings, Green With Envy! Bwahahahaa. Whatever. Everyone, pls rmb that my bdae is 8 days down the road. Hahas. Ok. Last but not least, Happy 1Year Anniversary to ReginaSher& SeverinWang. Last long.
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